Organizations | Cultural
Foundation for Korean Language and Culture |
(Formerly the Foundation for SAT II Korean) The Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to promote Korean language and culture throughout the United States. It was founded in 1994 in response to the Korean American community’s desire to include Korean as a foreign language option on the Scholastic Aptitude Test II (SAT II). The Foundation organizes annual international conferences on Korean studies, offers scholarships to middle and high school students enrolled in Korean language classes, provides scholarship for teachers enrolled in Korean language single subject teaching credential programs, provides an intensive summer training program for Korean language teachers in middle and high schools, promotes the opening and expansion of Korean language classes in middle and high schools, and provides financial support for Korean language textbook projects and SAT II Korean practice tests. The Foundation supports a program that includes approximately thirty educators (high school administrators and district superintendents) from various parts of the United States to travel to Korea during the summer to learn about Korea, its people and language. |
Phone: (213) 380-5718
Address: 680 Wilshire Place, Suite 416, Los Angeles, CA 90005 |
International Korean Educators Network (IKEN) |
IKEN’s objectives are to establish a uniform policy for educating each generation of Korean descent in their ancestral language and culture. At the same time it will foster a desire to assimilate into the American culture sufficiently to become productive citizens and leaders. Its goal is also to create a network of teachers and students who will continue to celebrate their Korean heritage and take on leadership roles to advance the goals of both their cultures. IKEN supports the Korean Dual Language Program (KDLP) within the Los Angeles Unified School District by publishing digital textbooks and expanding KDLP to other states. The Korean digital textbooks are innovative audio-visual materials for teaching Korean language and are uploaded on the IKEN website. Korean Dual Language Programs deliver Korean and English instructions from kindergarten through 12th grade with high expectations of students in all academic areas. Its main objective is to promote complete bi-literacy. The program includes non-Korean heritage students who can expect to become bilingual as well as bicultural. Korean heritage students will develop not only their self-identity, but also learn to appreciate multiculturalism and globalization. |
E-mail:[email protected]
Website:www.ikeneducate.org |
Korea Society |
The Korea Society is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated solely to the promotion of greater awareness, understanding and cooperation between the people of the United States and Korea. In pursuit of its mission, the society arranges programs that facilitate discussion, exchanges and research on topics of vital interest to both countries in the areas of public policy, business, education, intercultural relations and the arts. |
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (212) 759-7525
Fax: (212) 759-7530
Address: 950 Third Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022
Website: www.koreasociety.org
Korean Adoptee, Adoptive Family Network |
This network provides articles, website information, announcements, and event information. Its mission is to support networking and to build understanding among adoptees, adoptive families, Koreans, and Korean Americans. It includes extensive list of Korean camps for children.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.kaanet.com |
Korean Consulate General |
The Consulate has free materials for teachers: books, periodicals, and videos |
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: 3243 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. 90010, (213) 385-9300 |
Korean Cultural Center Los Angeles |
KCCLA is operated by the Korean government’s Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. Its mission is to broaden Korea-U.S. relations through cultural and educational activities. KCCLA sponsors and hosts an assortment of activities, including art exhibitions, state performances, film screenings, traditional music and dance events, Korean food festivals, lectures, and sporting events. It also supports the Korea Academy for Educators’ efforts to hold Saturday workshops and five-day seminars on Korean history and culture. A museum displays a permanent collection of historical and contemporary Korean artifacts. The library collection includes 25,000 volumes of books, CDs, videotapes, and DVDs. Books are available in English and Korean. The center also has a series of free classes and workshops that introduce guests to the music, dance, folk art, and language of the Korean people. Classes in the Korean language are also available. A student tour of the museum can be arranged. If you wish to be on the mailing list, please notify the Korean Cultural Center. |
Phone: (323) 936-7141
Address: 5505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. 90036
Website: http://www.kccla.org |
Korean Cultural Service of New York |
The service provides information on Korea and Korea-U.S. relations and guidance to students who wish to participate in exchange programs. The service has an extensive library of more than 10,000 books, periodicals, CD-ROMs and videotapes. |
Phone: (212) 759-9550
Fax: (212) 688-8640
Address: 460 Park Avenue, 6th floor, New York, NY 10022
Website: www.koreanculture.org |
Korean Cultural Service of Washington, D.C. |
The service offers a variety of media resources (but it's in German!) |
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 797-6343
Fax: (202) 387-0413
Address: 2370 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20008
Website: www.koreaemb.org |
The Korea Society in cooperation with the Korea Foundation |
Fellowships available for school administrators, teachers, textbook writers, and professors or instructors in schools of education. The Korea Society also nominates five American delegates for the UNESCO youth camp each summer and pays camp participation fees. The Society also supports Project Bridge, a year long program of intercultural youth leadership activities for Los Angeles and New York high school students. The program includes a two-week education study tour of Korea every April. For information, go to www.koreasociety.org/korean_studies/fellowships/ |